Coaching Programs
We can create custom coaching programs that help meet the needs of a variety of organizations.
One Size Does Not Fit All

These programs are time-limited and often focus on particular organizational issues you’re trying to work through.

Long-term programs generally focus on the development and mental fitness of people in the organization. These could be done in groups or individually.

Create a program where there is a bank of available individual coaching hours for people in the organization to use on an as needed basis.

Group coaching allows for an economical way to help people initiate conversation around goals for work and personal life. It also creates potential connections among people in an organization.

A blend of individual and group coaching with an eye toward personal and professional development. Allows flexibility in engagement and gives people multiple points to engage.

These coaching sessions can be individual or group. They generally focus on a particular topic and can have a hybrid focus of teaching + coaching.

Something Creative?
If you have an idea about a coaching program for your organization, I’m open to working with you to figure it out.
For Example…
Denver Health
Working with the leadership in the Denver Health Emergency Medicine Residency Program, we created a hybrid group and individual coaching program. This comprehensive program was meant to fill the gaps between the therapeutic needs of residents and trying to go it alone.
Over the course of a year, residents met in monthly groups based on their current year in the residency. In addition, they had the option to sign up for 45-minute individual coaching session on an as needed basis. I met with the leadership of the program once a month to share general insights without breaking confidentiality.
Together, we look forward to the next year of the program. We’ve continued to shape it based on feedback and what we’ve learned along the way.