An app-based community built around the idea that better habits make us better disciples and spiritual leaders.
About Us
We’ve co-created this space to help people reframe their habits and lives through the lens of a progressive, justice, and compassion-oriented faith.
Micah 6:8 guides our sense of community and discipleship, and we hope it helps you reframe yours.
Acting Justly
We recognize how the Church has historically created and sustained a culture that centers and marginalizes people. These structures persist today. Our cadre of content creators is built to challenge this culture. We believe that our communities are big enough for all of us.
We’ve intentionally sought out voices that have been pushed to the margins. Persons of color, women, disabled, gender queer, and LGBTQIA voices make up a large part of our content creators. We expect these diverse voices to challenge, stretch, connect us to one another.
Through these voices and our connections in the app we hope that your life becomes more complex and meaningful wherever you may be and however you identify in your communities. In fact, we’re counting on it.
Loving Mercy
Justice works best when it goes hand in hand with compassion. We believe the world works better when there is more compassion. We want to assume the best of others and speak a compassionate truth our self and with one another.
We have no idea the roads others have travelled or the experiences, traumas, or ghosts that haunt their lives. Having compassion for others and for ourselves matters. We believe it will make the world a better place.
Walking Humbly
Humility begins with two things, honesty and curiosity. Honesty with ourselves matters. Discipleship calls us to acknowledge what we’re good at and where we can grow. Good humility is an accurate sense of our strengths and areas of growth.
When we are honest about those things, we can be honestly curious about others and the world. Rather than having it all figured out, we want people of faith to look out at the horizon with joy and wonder what comes next?
Building Community
We’re a scattered people. Yet, we need community. Evolutionarily we seek other people for safety, companionship, and love.
We’re clear that this app is built to help you imagine a faith that travels. It’s up to you to make it travel.
While we’ll build spaces for people to connect in small and large groups. Spaces where we can connect around similar ideas or interests. They cannot be a complete substitute for an embodied community.
For our health and well-being we need to connect. We weren’t built to be lonely. We’d encourage you to use this app to help your faith come alive. And, as that happens we’d encourage you to connect with others, find or build community, and bring your new companions along for the journey.
How it Works
ReFrame has two basic components: content and community. Each of these is meant to help us co-create the kinds of habits that make our faith come alive and travel with us wherever we go.
Frames are our basic building blocks. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 8 a.m (your phone time) a new frame appears in the app.
Based on a brief scripture passage, our authors create a 100-word meditation. These frames are meant to help you think about a particular idea, relationship, or action that you can focus on during the day.
We’ll even send you a text in the morning to remind you when a new frame is available.

At noon, a second prompt for the day appears in the app. This reframe is intended to give you a moment to pause and think about your morning.
We get it. We start off with good intentions and forget. Our hope is that this simple prompt along with a few qusetions to help you think about your day and how you want to act in faith or through your values going forward.
Finally, at 6 p.m. a brief prompt for reflection will appear in the app. It’s a simple fill in the blank journal.
It’s meant to help you describe your day. It gives you a moment to reflect on the successes and near misses you experienced. All of your journal entries are kept (privately) on the app if you ever want to go back and look at your progress.

Meet Our Leadership

Jason Whitehead
Jason is a Presbyterian minister and leadership and development coach. He is the Lead Curator of ReFrame. His interests include: hiking, woodworking, gaming, mental health, and meaning-making.

Jackie Delafose
Jackie is a retired educator in Colorado. She is a member of St. Laurence Episcopal Church in Conifer, Colorado. She serves on her parish vestry and the diocese Executive Committee of the Front Range. She is currently in discernment for a call to ministry. She serves on the leadership team of Reframe and is a contributing writer for the team.

Javon Bracy
Javon was born and raised in New Orleans. She lives out her ministry calling in the Baptist church, as well as in the broader community context. Her hobbies include collecting records and mugs. Javon lives life by the mantra: To edify. To glorify. To do all things in love.
Reach out and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Email me: Jason(at)mosaic-insight.com